Understanding the circular economy

Course description

The circular economy is a concept we're hearing more and more about in both the public and private spheres. As a concrete sustainable development tool for companies, this model advocates the reduction of resources, environmental protection and the extension of material lifetimes.
The Earth's overrun day is defined as the day from which humanity is supposed to have consumed all the resources the planet is capable of producing in one year. In 2022, this day was July 28, and this day is brought forward every year.

Quebec's "Circularity Gap Report", dated 2021, estimated Quebec's overall economy was circular at 3.5%, doing poorly compared to a global circular economy of 8.6% in 2022.

The ISO organization is currently drawing up an international standard on the circular economy to standardize the various objectives. Get ahead of the parade and start integrating these concepts into your company and business model. You'll be able to stand out from your competitors while making a positive financial and environmental impact.

Dans cette formation, le modèle de l’économie linéaire est analysé en fonction de ces limites et mis en comparaison avec le modèle d’économie circulaire de RECYC-Québec. The twelve strategies of the circular economy (e.g. the economy of functionality, the sharing economy, eco-design in conjunction with life-cycle analysis) are explained in simple terms and illustrated by concrete applications in companies. The use of strategies in different business models is explored with participants via workshops.

The visual support material is highly recognized. It highlights key points, making it easier to understand and retain the information provided. Full documentation is also provided.

Our instructors are recognized for their skills, their knowledge of standards, their extensive practical experience and their pedagogical know-how. They know how to create a dynamic, friendly atmosphere. They follow up with questions and answers, exercises, examples and exchanges.

Target clientele

This course is aimed at all staff who want to discover and understand this model, or staff who, although already somewhat familiar with the model, nevertheless want to refresh their understanding. The course is relevant regardless of the size and nature of the organization's activities.


The aim of this course is for participants to develop a good understanding of the concepts of the circular economy and its integration into a management system, contributing to the achievement of the organization's environmental objectives in line with its strategic objectives.


The course is structured into 6 modules covering the following topics:

  • Concepts and definitions
  • Rethinking resources
  • Optimizing resources
  • Leadership


There are no prerequisites for this course.


1 day (7 hours)



Available Dates

If the available dates are not suitable for your schedule, contact us to be added to the waiting list or request a private session.


Conditions de rabais


Rabais pour plusieurs inscriptions dans une commande

i. If cart item quantity range is between 2-3, get 5% discount.
ii. If cart item quantity range is 3+, get 10% discount.